Supporting Casey House through a legacy gift is a concrete expression of your commitment to compassionate client-driven health care, and creates a lasting legacy of kindness and generosity. This planned future donation, as part of your larger estate planning process, ensures that Casey House can continue the important work of providing socially-just care.
Every legacy gift, regardless of the amount, is treasured. By making a legacy gift, you can create a strong future for Casey House and the continuation of our innovative approach to health care, and improve the quality of life for people living with and at risk of HIV. Legacy giving also facilitates the tax implications that come with the transfer of your estate, and provides an opportunity for you to make a larger gift while still providing for your loved ones.
Whatever your specific situation may be, Casey House offers a number of options for legacy giving that suits your circumstances. By making a legacy gift to Casey House, you will become a member of the Friends InDeed Legacy Society which honours and recognizes donors who have made a long term commitment to Casey House.
For more information on leaving your legacy at Casey House, contact philanthropic advisor Kulin Matchhar.