These touchpoints extend our continuum of care beyond registered clients, and help build relationships to connect service-users with health and psychosocial resources they need now, or might need in the future.

Responding to evolving community need

In response to the sharp increase in the volume of people accessing harm reduction supplies at our front door since the pandemic began, our day health program is piloting a community care clinic for people who use drugs.

When asked, very few of the people accessing our harm reduction supplies said their health care needs were being met through a family doctor or elsewhere. Through meaningful conversation and support, and meeting people where they’re at, Casey House can start addressing some of their needs to help improve their health and wellness outcomes.

The drop-in clinic offers core services such as nursing care, social service navigation, and referrals, and is open from 1:30-3:30 p.m. each Monday and Wednesday afternoon.

Our experience has shown that community members accessing harm reduction supplies have many similar identities, challenges, and needs as registered Casey House clients, and our clinicians and services have the potential to have a similarly positive impact on their lives.

Harm Reduction Supplies Distribution

Harm reduction supplies

Providing safer injection, inhalation and crystal meth supplies at our front door in partnership with Toronto Public Health.

Learn more