Casey House commits to being an anti-racist organization, with a particular emphasis on dismantling the systemic racism targeting Black and Indigenous peoples, as well as other forms of oppression that impact racialized populations. This commitment includes recognizing the inter-generational trauma and impact of colonialism and the persistence of white supremacy.

As the governing Board of the hospital and foundation we have initiated capacity-building to understand the impact of racism and colonization. Our learning is just beginning, and we will continue to listen and educate ourselves as we take action.

As a Board we govern strategy, people, culture and operations at Casey House.

Among our first steps, we commit to the following actions:

  • Committing to support the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada final report’s ‘calls to action’, particularly those in health, through advocacy, building capacity to help increase representation of Indigenous people in health care, and by incorporating Indigenous healing practices into service delivery and organizational practices.¹
  • Continuing to empower the senior leadership team to implement strategies to dismantle systemic racism throughout the hospital and foundation, including human resources, service delivery, and administration.
  • Starting in 2022, Board recruitment will include intentionally seeking Indigenous people and people of colour in perpetuity, to provide broader perspectives and stronger representation of the communities affected by HIV.

The Board understands that this is an ongoing commitment and process, and one that will become further embedded in all we do. As we further our action plan for racial justice and continue to address systemic inequities, we will remain open to refining our approach and commitments.

Download the PDF Board commitment to dismantle systemic racism Dec 2021

  1. Honouring the Truth, Reconciling for the Future: Summary of the Final Report of the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada, page 321, Calls to Action, Health, 22) “We call upon those who can [effect] change within the Canadian health-care system to recognize the value of Aboriginal healing practices and use them in the treatment of Aboriginal patients in collaboration with Aboriginal healers and Elders where requested by Aboriginal patients.”